Hot Glass Works
Hot Glass Works
To Order Call: 802-874-4436
Come see for yourself, what folks far and wide have been talking about. Hank and Toby have moved their Glass to town. Its the same bright, colorful, organic, eclectic, fun and funky recycled glass that has been filling homes with “Heirlooms Of Tomorrow” since 1978. Now with a central location and more room to display the incredible volume of glass that Hank and Toby have made together over the years. Not only is the amount of glass impressive, the variations of designs and forms are mind blowing. Creativity flows when Hank and Toby are around. When glass is molten it too is very fluid, it is a dance that requires timing, temperature control, and coordination. When the glass has cooled and hardened the creative moment is preserved into the piece. Very apparent in every single piece, is the fun and joy that happens with the production of each piece. The designs are all unique and inspirational. It is truly a place that must been seen to believed, more than just seen, it is something to experience on many different levels.
Located in Downtown Jamaica, Vermont usa
Credit Cards Accepted
Hot Glass Works
3819 Main St Route 30
Jamaica,VT 05343